Bringing * clarity * to cyber vulnerability chaos.
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Hackuity gives you a complete view of your cyber exposure depth and tools to interpret it, so you can detect, predict and protect yourself from cyber vulnerabilities.
Building a common #system# amongst all your security tools
amazing tool
A single-pane window with all the information you need on your cyber vulnerability practice.
supported connectors
Our 80+ connectors allow agnostic data aggregation from all the security tools in your organization.
No bullsh*t.
Delivering [life-changing results]
of your vulnerability management processes are automated
Hackuity strengthens your vulnerability management cycle by automating 70% of the tasks associated with the vulnerability world. Thanks to the numerous connectors available and our data processing automation engine, your organization saves a considerable amount of time and avoids errors related to manual processing.
Learn moresaved per year on vulnerability management practice
Thanks to Hackuity, your security team does less recurring tasks. As a consequence, your management costs associated with the vulnerability management cycle are optimized.
Learn moreReduction of the number of Critical Vulnerabilities to manage
Hackuity's proprietary True Risk Score (TRS) algorithm significantly reduces the number of critical vulnerabilities that need to be addressed urgently in your organization. By taking into account your specific business environment, you can apply a customized risk model and focus your remediation efforts on the truly critical vulnerabilities.
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Want to see how it feels
to have *clarity* in the
data overload chaos?
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